2008年10月19日 星期日

【Heros】-- I Am Becom Death


Title: Heroes: I Am Become Death

Dates of Entry: Oct. 18th 2008

Summary: This article comments about the plots and the roles in the show Heroes this season. Besides, the blogger also compares this season with the previous season.

I am impressive of the blogger that he uses figure of speech to describe, which makes the article more literary. Here is the example:

“However, just like you'll tell your wife whom you love more than anything else that she has a piece of lettuce stuck in her teeth, I'm not going to just put on rose-colored glasses and pretend that every scene, line and moment of each episode is solid gold. If I see lettuce, I'm going to call them on it. Because the way I see it, it's just lettuce. It doesn't change how wonderful and beautiful she is in the slightest. It's just a little thing that needs to be taken care of because it's distracting me and it doesn't really fit the whole look her face is going for. Kind of like whatever's going on with Mohinder.”

There are literary sentences in his writing, however, the blogger still uses some colloquial language such as “suck” and “bitch”.

Besides, I found an interesting part in the blogger’s writing. He crosses out what he says instead of deleting it: “ And we finally learned what Sylar's true ability is I finally thought about how Sylar's ability really works”

There are a lot of interaction between the blogger and the readers in this article. For example, in the beginning of the article, the blogger interacts with the readers about the content of his previous review by responding the readers: “A lot of people have said in the comments that it appears as if I don't like Heroes. Believe me, that's not true. I'm actually a huge fan of the show”. Besides, the blogger uses the humorous way to interact with the readers by saying that “Sylar is living in the Bennett household and is a 1950's sitcom ... mom (you thought I was going to say dad).” In his writing, the readers are regarded as second person (you), which puts the relationship closer. In the middle of the article, the blogger interacts with the readers by listing lots of questions in a roll for the readers to think about together. In the end of the article, the blogger also interacts with the readers by asking their opinions like “How about you?” What’s more, the blogger holds a voting activity for the readers to express their opinions.

There are 46 comments responded to this article. It is really interesting to read the comments of this article. They have a lively discussion and interaction. The first lively discussion is started by the reader commenter 3. He complains the TV squad does not provide the current-reviews and details of the show Heroes and that the website is becoming irrelevant. He hopes TV squad to improve. However, some of the readers do not agree with his comment. The reader commenter 4 responds him back by telling him that TV squad really did with ironic tone “Apparently you don't read, Mr. Faithful Reader. They covered this last week. Archives, Mr. Reader! ”The reader commenter 5 also provides the link for him. After the reader commenter 3 reads the above comments, he feels ignorant and also thanks them to provide the information. On the other hand, some of the readers agree with the point of view of the reader commenter 3 such as the commenter 8 and 9. they both feel the same way that TV squad does not keep the quality as usual and becomes lame. It is really interesting to see them interact with each other.

Some readers will shares the extra information with the blogger and the other readers. The reader commenter 2 is the example. He shares the documentary about real-life superheroes in his comment and he also provides the link.

Some readers will use expressional symbols in their comments. For example, the reader commenter 11 uses “LOL”, the reader commenter 23 uses “*giggly*” and the reader commenter 27 uses “:D”.

Some of the readers use simplified form in their writing. For example, the reader commenter 20 uses “btw” and the reader commenter 27 uses “w/”.

I found out that the commenters in this article write longer than the other I have read. Some of the commenters use formal style in their writing. Some of the commenters uses informal style in their writing such as “kinda” in the comment 23.

1 則留言:

  1. As you mentioned, the blogger created interaction in the posting with readers and I believe it is a good way to have readers keep their eyes on the blog and then learn something from it no matter the usage of a language or vocabulary, or interaction with people. The interaction between the blogger and readers is such an vital way that it enhances the blog to stimulate the reader into depper discussion. As long as the blogger wrote something which seemed to talk to the reader, they would respond tp it more enthusiasticlly instead of just browsing ordinary postings.
